Middle of Chapter 26
ולכן אמרו רז״ל כי השמחים ביסורים, עליהם הכתוב אומר: ואוהביו כצאת השמש בגבורתו
For this reason, our Sages of blessed memory stated14 that the verse, 15“Those who love Him shall be as the sun when it comes out it its might,” refers to the reward of those who rejoice in their afflictions.
G‑d always rewards man “measure for measure.” What is the connection, then, between rejoicing in affliction and “the sun”? Also, why are those who rejoice in affliction described as “those who love G‑d”? The Alter Rebbe now explains that since misfortune is really nothing but a disguise for the higher form of good that derives from the “hidden world,” the option as to whether it will bring man either joy or misery depends on his priorities. If he deems his physical life all-important, he will indeed be miserable, while if nearness to G‑d is his primary concern he will rejoice, since nearness to G‑d is found in greater measure in the “hidden world,” whence derives the good that is hidden in misfortune.
Those who rejoice in suffering are therefore called “lovers of G‑d,” and are rewarded by being granted the vision of “the sun emerging in its might.” Since in this world they disregarded externals and ignored the veil of misfortune hiding the good within, choosing instead to concern themselves with the deeper aspect of good and G‑dliness lying behind the veil, G‑d rewards them in the World to Come “measure for measure,” by casting off the veils that surround Him, and revealing Himself in His full glory to those who love Him.
For the Four-Letter Divine Name, signifying G‑d in His Essence, is compared to a sun, and the Name Elokim, signifying G‑d as He is clothed and concealed in the created universe, is compared to a veil shielding the created beings from the intensity of its rays; as it is written, 16 “A sun and a shield (respectively) areHashem (i.e., the Four-Letter Name) Elokim.” In the World to Come, the “sun” will emerge from its “shield”, i.e., the Four-Letter Name will no longer be veiled by Elokim, and it will shine forth “in its might” as a reward for those who love Him.
This, in summary, is the explanation contained in the following paragraphs.
כי השמחה היא מאהבתו קרבת ה‘ יותר מכל חיי העולם הזה
For one’s joy in affliction stems from the fact that being near to G‑d is dearer to him than anything of the life of this world,
כדכתיב: כי טוב חסדך מחיים וגו’
as it is written: 17 “For Your lovingkindness is better than life”
וקרבת ה‘ היא ביתר שאת ומעלה לאין קץ בעלמא דאתכסיא, כי שם חביון עוזו, ויושב בסתר עליון
Now, the nearness to G‑d is infinitely greater and more sublime in the “hidden world,” for18 “there the concealment of His power is lodged”; and it is also written,19 “The Most High abides in secrecy.”
Both these verses indicate that the “hidden world” contains a higher aspect of G‑dliness than the “revealed world.” Since the “hidden world” is the source of seeming affliction, he who loves G‑d rejoices in it, for it represents a greater nearness to G‑d than revealed good, which derives from the “revealed world.”
ועל כן זוכה לצאת השמש בגבורתו לעתיד לבא, שהיא יציאת חמה מנרתקה שהיא מכוסה בו בעולם הזה, ולעתיד תתגלה מכסויה
Therefore he is found worthy of seeing “the sun emerging in its might” in the World to Come, when the “sun” will emerge from the “sheath” in which it is hidden in this world, and will then be revealed.
15. | Shoftim 5:31. |
16. | Tehillim 84:12; cf. Shaar HaYichud VehaEmunah, ch. 4. |
17. | Tehillim 63:4. |
18. | Chavakuk 3:4. |
19. | Tehillim 91:1. |
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